Railway Station & Bus Station Shelters
The Manual has been developed to serve as a valuable resource during the master plan and feasibility report stages, as well as a component of the Concession Agreement for Railway Stations. It aims to provide potential Concessionaires with the flexibility to innovate in design and construction, ultimately leading to reduced life cycle costs and improved efficiencies in operations, performance, passenger comfort, and safety. By covering various aspects of station design without imposing specific design and operational processes, the Manual offers guidance and a clear focus on issues and criteria that Concessionaires must further explore in designing operational philosophies and performance standards for passenger safety, security, comfort, and service levels.
Moreover, the Manual places emphasis on modular, sustainable, and environmentally responsible construction practices, aligning with modern management approaches. Its intent is to encourage Concessionaires to adopt innovative solutions that not only meet operational needs but also contribute to sustainability and environmental stewardship.